
Toward A Fake Flash Drive Free World – No More Counterfeits – No More Data Loss

SOSFakeFlash – Challenge 20090925

Posted by KittyFireFlash on September 26, 2009

SOSFakeFlash continues to record information and to investigate. A recent analysis of our data and also monitoring the internet indicates the message is not reaching enough eBay buyers.

The challenge is to raise the visibility of the SOSFakeFlash site. We need your assistence. Can you help? Please find forums, blogs and eBay communities in your country – advise them of our site:

Unless readers assist in increasing the visiblity and value of our sites, the problem will just grow. More people will acquire fake mp players, memory cards and usb flash drives. Help others to be informed. If they are victims they need to know where they can find information.

Also people need information on the real costs of flash memory chips.

Since consumers do not costs, they bid and buy for fakes and suffer the consequences. If you lost data or do not like fraud, please help warn people. Increasing the visibility of SOSFakeFlash on the internet is one way you can make a difference.

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