
Toward A Fake Flash Drive Free World – No More Counterfeits – No More Data Loss

firstly2008 Ebay Fake Flash Seller Alert Devious – China

Posted by KittyFireFlash on January 2, 2009

firstly2008 is an eBay seller of Counterfeit (Fake) Flash USB drives. Based in China this fake flash seller switched to private auctions to hide his fake flash sales. Approximately500+ flash drives have been sold.

To see firstly2008’s negative feedback Please Click Here

January 1st, 2009 – we have 5 eBay listings confirmed fake.

Key Info behavior:

25-Oct-08 started selling 2GB drives. Several models as samsung memory, One as Kingston. SOSFakeFlash has no information on whether these drives were the advertised capacity. A review of the models indicate that they may be genuine. If not, then they are the earliest generation of fakes, frequently 512MB capacity.

01-Dec-08 started selling 16GB models. The 16GB models showed a strange behavior – Private Auctions. The 2GB models generally sold for less than £2. The 16GB in a range of £6.5 to £11.50 on average. That sell bid range does not Qualify for private auction listings on eBay and violates eBay’s intent for auctions in this category. On 02-Dec-08, some auctions became public, not all. 04-Dec-08 introduced a MP3 Player for sale at 2GB. 06-Dec-08 all auctions became private again for USB Flash drives, but the MP3 Player remained public auction. Last recorded item sold 09-Dec-08.

Switching to private auctions means only one thing from SOSFakeFlash’s experience with eBay sellers – the heat is turning up – time to hide the fake flash deeds or lose the sales. With private auctions there is no way to trace what the seller sold in feedback – the item can not be seen for inspection if anyone complains about it. The only clues come from eBayers who are clever too! They make sure to mention what the item was they were complaining about.

We have all his sales on file. Switching from public auctions has earned firstly2008 the classification of “devious”. Any eBay seller who abuses the intent of private auctions to sell flash devices found out to be fakes (false capacity) will receive this additional classification.

firstly2008’s earnings:

Items Sold: 85.35%
Total Value Sold: £3412.06
Total Value Shipping: £264.02
Total Value Not Sold: £81.97
Sold Item Fees: £157.95
Unsold Item Fees: £27.65

These are the models sold under the eBay seller firstly2008 All are confirmed as Counterfeit, recorded with eBayer ID and eBay Item Number – Standard Procedure. Presented as listed at auction. Counterfeit items tied to criminal activity enjoy no protection. If you bought one of these usb fake flash drives from firstly2008, you should test immediately with the software H2testw 1.4 . Do not store any important data on the drive until you can confirm you have the advertised capacity (minus formatting overhead).

These are the 16GB Models sold by firstly2008



Should your drive not report the true advertised capacity:

  1. Immediately attempt to move any data you have stored on the drive to another source. Be advised if you have stored more than the reported size from H2testw 1.4, you will not be able to recover it all – you can expect to see errors in the copy back.
  2. Immediately report to eBay and PayPal to add your voice against this seller.

If the eBay Item number has disappeared from your won list. Please go to PayPal and search through your transactions for the approximate time frame of your purchase. You will find the details of your transaction and ebay item number. PayPal keeps this information for a long time. Use the email address:

Please include:

  1. PayPal Transaction Number
  2. Ebay Item Number
  3. Date Of PayPal Transaction
  4. Date Of eBay Item Listing
  5. Your eBayer Id
  6. Cite eBay Seller firstly2008
  7. The results from your testing with H2testw 1.4
  8. Any information concerning data loss and it’s value to you

You are to inform them you wish to be part of the investigation against this seller and are adding yourself to the evidence. You expect to be fully refunded for the purchase and shipping and if you can prove data loss compensation for it as well. Furthermore, it is a fact that PayPal and eBay are aware of cases pouring in. You are invited to copy:

on your correspondence.

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